I am finally home...
"Home is where the heart is." We've heard it time and again, but for me, nothing has ever truly felt like home. I've spent my life pursuing the elusive concept of "home" without success. Three marriages didn't give me the feeling of security or peace either. I've been places where I am happy, or that I really enjoyed, but nothing ever felt like home. I was always anxious to find the next "home" thinking that it would be the one. Until now, but it has come at a price. For those who have been following my story, my three kids and I launched from traditional "sticks and bricks" living in a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house on half an acre earlier this year to live in a 30 foot 5th wheel trailer to live the nomadic lifestyle. It wasn't initially ideal and there were challenges, but this was what I had wanted. I expected some challenges, but I was truly looking forward to it as it would solve my financial struggles, but mostly ...